WOOLY BULLY EXPRESS Concert THIS MONDAY MARCH 28 Eats and Meets CAY Omotesando

Howdy Y’all!

Baring MORE unforeseen disasters, we are still going to have our WOOLY BULLY EXPRESS Concert THIS MONDAY MARCH 28.


WHERE:  Eats and Meets CAY 

(5-6-23 B-1 Spiral Building Omotesando-)

( Tel-03-3498-5790)




TIME: Doors open at 6:30PM 

First Stage 8PM



TICKETS: ¥2,500 at the door; students ¥1,500  


Over these past several days here in Japan our lives and worlds have been turned upside down and shaken like a cheap drink during happy hour. Time is flashing by and troubles are piling up on our door steps. Let’s not forget the suffering and hardship of untold numbers here in Japan who must contemplate the dark days ahead along with the tremendous task of rebuilding cities, homes and lives. 


Long faces, crying or brooding in front of the television set isn’t going to solve anything.  Come out on Monday night and let's pull together, strengthen our ties, listen to some good music and prepare to move forward. We are the lucky ones!  

 Let’s help out where and how we can. To narrow the focus of this disaster and get it down to a level that we can grasp, I propose that we adopt the town of MINAMI SOMA, population 70,000. This town is part of the area which was hardest hit by the earthquake and tsunami.  MINAMI SOMA is also within the  20-30 kilometres from the nuclear power plant accident zone. Most of the residents of this community were evacuated to Nigata, many with only the clothes that they were wearing at the time of the disaster. (Our plan, still in the early stages, is for all of us to be involved in some kind of direct action rather than the toss  of "coins" in the river approach in which most of the aid washes away from, rather than toward those who need it the most.)


WHAT CAN WE DO? According to the Mayor of Minami Soma, Mr. Katsunobu Sakurai,  the town is in need of funds as well as supplies and labor.


(1) We propose to donate 500 YEN from every WOOLY BULLY EXPRESS CD sold at the concert to the Minami Soma relief fund. (2) We will also give you the chance to “BUY them a drink.” I know that times are hard and if ever WE need a drink it is now. But how about donating the price of at least one drink to help someone out? It is our hope to send materials and volunteer man power directly later on. I know that this isn’t much but it is a start and we are open to any and all ideas. 


 For now, our efforts will be combined with Suginami-ku and the Tokyo City of Asagaya. (Our connection in Asagaya is  Mr. Tadasee Yanoo, one of our favorite string band guitar players who helps organise the annual outdoor festival, Asagaya JAZZ STREET which we participate in every year.)


Suginami-ku and Asagaya have sister city ties to this Minami Soma along with open lines of communication. We can therefore pool our talents more easily than starting completely from scratch. 


So if you are in town, mark your calendar and please come out next MONDAY MARCH 28 to Eats and Meets CAY for the WOOLY BULLY EXPRESS CONCERT.






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