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Here-in Tokyo---I hit the ground running. I did a quick tour out to the Japanese countryside, Gunma, where I played several solo shows and one big show with the boyz in the band.

I also had a big exhibition of photographs of Blues and Rt. 66 which was part of the Takasaki City American Culture Festival. (No Hot Dogs...damn.)

The folks there seemed to enjoy it all, bought lots of our CDs, shot rice out of a cannons, burnt corn on the cob while the kids worked hard to scoop up gold fish with soda crackers on wire sticks. We got to show off our new National Resophonic Guitars, Mandolins and Basses.

I also did a few gallery live shows as well. The folks in the countryside seemed really interested and curious but were rather shy. One woman asked me for dirctions to the cross roads where Robert Johnson sold his soul....BIG FUN!
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