Monday Blues Monday, October 18--EATS and MEETS CAY--(Omote-sando)

Monday Blues

Monday, October 18


SHOW #1 MONDAY BLUES(Bi-monthly) International Blues Show at EATS and MEETS CAY (Omote-sando)


Monday, October 18 6:00pm - 11:00pm



Spiral BLD, 5-6-23 Minami-Aoyama (OMOTE-SANDO)

Entrance: 1500 yen (no drink)

Doors Open 18:00 / Show time: 20:00 & 21:35


Steve Gardner (vo, harp & g) /JERICHO ROAD SHOW

Bill Benfield (mandolin)

Hisa Nakase (bass)

Samm Bennett (vo, strumstick, perc) /Ghost Steppers

Anna Mackie (vo)

Miki (vo)

Koyu (bass)

Hanna (guitar)

Produced by Hanna/Eats and Meets Cay

Monday Bluesは今の日本におけるブルースのイメージを変えたい。という想いから発案されたイベントです。そのためにより多くの層、特に若い世代へブルースを楽しんでほしい。そんなメッセージを、日本の情報の源である、青山・表参道から発信していきます。

... 日本で活動しているミュージシャンを中心に、来日したミュージシャンにも演奏の場を提供出来るイベントとして二か月に一回のペースで定期的に開催していきます。

entrance: 1500 yen (no drink)

Show time: 20:00 & 21:35


Steve Gardner;

born in Mississippi, plays American Roots'N Blues music on National resonator guitars, harmonica, washboard and banjo-acoustic stuff. Steve was friends with and learned from Sam Chatmon, Charlie Patton's half brother and member of the Mississippi Sheiks; Jack Owens, friend of Skip James and last of the Bentonia style blues men; Jessie Mae Hemphill, grand daughter of Sid Hemphill, the father of hill country blues; James "Son" Thomas, delta blues man and side kick of Elmore James and many more. Steve teaches a course in American Roots'N Blues Music at Meiji University, tours for the US State Department and divides his time between Japan and touring in Europe and the USA with the JERICHO ROAD SHOW. His current Cd, WOOLY BULLY EXPRESS (2010 Hoodoo/Blues Cat Records) is the follow up to WALKIN' THE DOG, chosen as one of the top ten best ROOTS'N BLUES CDs of 2009 by New Orleans Community Public Radio station, WWOZ.

Samm Bennett;

born and raised deep in the southeastern part of the United States in the state of Alabama. With Mississippi on one side, Georgia on the other and Tennessee on top, he was surrounded by the sprits and ghosts of the blues and their wandering children. They are the spirits Bennett attempts to commune with, and to honor, in his own music.

Ghost Steppers;

Samm Bennettを中心に、豊潤なるアメリカン・フォーク・トラディション


リング・ミュージック、 アーリー・カントリー、また、聖歌など



Anna Mackie;

from Manchester, UK and has lived in Japan for some years. She trained as a classical singer initially but moved on through rock to blues and jazz. These days she usually sings jazz classics but loves to sing blues and soul music too. Influences have been many, including Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, BB King, Ray Charles and James Brown. She appears regularly at various venues in and around Tokyo, usually in a piano trio or quartet.


played blues music with Quintus McCormick and Jade Maze 1994-98 at various venues in Chicago such as Buddy Guy's Legend, BLUES etc, Bop Shop, Green Mill, etc. He taught bass at American Conservatory of Music, Chicago. He is the organizer of Japan Music Week and have regular performances as bass solo, "Utsurawa-ba" (ikebana, utsuwa,bass), Gravity Centre (post-Jazz jam session). Also producer/bassist for Ben Kemp, Invago, Paolo Ladu, etc.


New talent of blues guitarist. He plays with many foreign artists in Tokyo, such as Marcellus Nealy, Jett Edwards, Samm Bennett. He is the organizer of "Monday Blues".

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